General information

Address: 92703, room 206a, Sq. Gogol, 1, Starobilsk, Luhansk region

Phone: (099) 470 72 25


The department was established as a separate component in the 1960s, it was called scientific communism. Among the teachers of the department there were participants of the Great Patriotic War, honored people, bright personalities – Bazhutin B. P, Alimpiev I.Ya., Litvinenko V.A., Kolontai V.Ya. etc. The waves of perestroika at the end of the twentieth century greatly changed the teaching of social sciences in universities, which led to the forming of an united department of political science and law.

The main purpose and tasks of the department: training of highly professional specialists in political science, formation of high political and culture level of consciousness among students of all specialties. Although, the studding of scientific understanding of the national political system and political processes in the world, dissemination of knowledge about the causes and consequences of political phenomena.

The mission of the department: effective participation in the formation of a high level of political and legal culture of Ukrainian society, through the training of highly qualified specialists in “Political Science (Public Administration. Political and parliamentary activities)”, research in this area and dissemination of knowledge about the political process region.
